Month: <span>November 2019</span>
Month: November 2019

Staying put

The decision has been made (hope it sticks) that we shall stay at Ribamar for another week and will depart next Monday, heading towards Sagres (probably). I feel much happier about this plan as opposed to the earlier departure that had been mooted for Wednesday this week. If Chloé isn’t back by next Monday we can be confident that she is not returning and may leave without guilt.

Yes, far happier with this plan, which also offers opportunity to get more out of our stay here… once the wind dies down.

I like it here and would be happy to stay longer but I understand Mr Snail’s need to put this horror behind us. We will go.

Happy Hour on the terrace. Not really pool weather. Estrella Damm is actually damn fine beer. #wp #gastrovanners #gastrovanner

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What to do?

The original plan had us arriving here at Ribamar today and then we had hoped to stay for a month. We arrived a week ago yesterday and find ourselves already thinking about moving on.

Chloé is gone and tonight will be her 8th night out. It has been 7 days since she was reportedly sighted at 05:30 on a neighbouring van’s roof, since when there has been no trace. We have to conclude that she will not now return. Our stay here has been marred, the windy weather is affecting some moods further and on top of that we feel bad about cooping Dusty up in the van. All in all, the time would seem to have come for us to depart.

There is a window in the weather on Wednesday that would make for better driving.

Yet there remains a feeling that we will suffer guilt if we do go. Should we stop longer, giving her more opportunity to return?

If we do go, perhaps sooner is better than later as the weather is set to cool and we are considering cutting across country, which means hitting some elevation. We don’t have snow chains.

An alternative would be to take the longer route down and around the coast, which means of course… the bloody Costas! Mr Snail has found a promising looking site in a national park in the far south east of Spain but it would require an overnight stop somewhere along the way and two reasonably hefty days of travel.

I can place a stake in the ground here and now and state that I flatly refuse to stop at Benicassim – or anywhere remotely similar!

Drinking a fairly good Cava, quite pricey for Spain, really. Probably shouldn’t be consuming with Pringles and pork scratchings 🙂 #wp #gastrovanners #gastrovanner

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A little more keen on being outside today but we dare not let him loose #wp #cats #Dusty

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Chorizo, garbanzo and vegetables stew. Rioja Crianza. #wp #gastrovanners #gastrovanner #heartymeal

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