
The scenery has disappeared. This is not what you need when relying on solar for a few days. Hope it burns off soon. #wp #livereportingfromtheroad #Spain #mist

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Climbed to 1200 metres this morning. When we emerged back down from the clouds it was a beautiful day. The scenery has been stunning. #wp #livereportingfromtheroad #Spain

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Well, it is the truffle festival after all…. #wp #gastrovanners #gastrovanner #morella #Spain #lunch #truffles

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First leg of what now genuinely feels like our journey home. A fine day for it, if just a little hazy. Pastures new for the next three nights. Morella tonight and an Aire… so no “camping activity” permitted and we shall be confined to the van instead of sitting out. Anybody told Dusty yet? #wp #livereportingfromtheroad #Spain

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