Two Snails may not be at the forefront of exploration but we are tonight at what appears to be the very heart of the spirit of exploration. Not entirely sure how to describe this place accurately but we are on a car park in what I am going to term a park. Not a discovery park but a park of discoverers and explorers. Maybe it’s a complex. Whatever, there is the Dock of the Caravels with its reproductions of the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria, a plethora of monuments to Columbus and other intrepid types, gardens, a monastery, bars and more (including the International University). The site sits on one bank of the Rio Tinto, and today we walked Nell along a yellow sandy road past the flood marshes, with its prolific birdlife and peeling Eucalypts. Many photos to get from the camera in due course and I plan to take many more tomorrow, when I hope we get a little more in the way of blue sky…. #wp #spain #huelva #Columbus

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I think that must be a Columbus monument Which means that we are almost at our destination, I believe #wp #livereportingfromtheroad #spain

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A hearty soup for this evening’s meal. Sort of inspired by Minestrone but lacking some essential ingredients 🙂 I fried some pancetta until golden then softened onions and garlic in the fat that had been released. Carrots and white turnip followed, then pepper, dried oregano and a tetrapack of Passata. When the root veg were almost cooked I chucked in thinly sliced leek, chopped kale and frozen basil along with a jar of ready cooked lentils. The soup was topped with parmesan cheese and olive oil and we used up the tail end of a baguette to dunk. Just making the most of what we had in (half a stew pack, the pancetta and the jar of lentils) Surprisingly, not at all bad. Tasty in fact. Tomorrow we will be down by the coast, and with consequently higher temperatures, so will be returning to the salad regime, I think. And now, the Crema Catalana, I think. #wp #gastrovanners #gastrovanner #food #soup

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Dessert: chocolate ice cream (a lovely example), chocolate brownie (disappointing) and mango coulis. A lovely meal, as always, but actually quite a bit better than on our last visit. 45€ ph inclusive of all drinks, bread, coffee, water etc. Difficult to find better value. All wines are local/regional and are all interesting. This was our fourth visit. We will be back for more. #wp #gastrovanners #gastrovanner

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Lamb: slow cooked and tender with beautifully rendered crispy fat. With only four really minute chips, it was practically Keto too. Incredibly tasty, like all the other dishes today. This guy does flavour. #wp #gastrovanners #gastrovanner

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Let’s just say that I am now a fully paid up swordfish convert. #wp #gastrovanners #gastrovanner

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