Faux Filet, caramelised onions with mushrooms, wedges and salad. Cooked outside using induction hob and air fryer. Turns out we didn’t have as many amps as we thought that we had. Oops. Luckily, this site gives you the key to the EHU supply box, to keep for the duration – so no embarrassment incurred. Must buy a Cadac! #wp #gastrovanner #gastrovanners #food

via Instagram https://ift.tt/2OWBLSZ

We seem to have cleared the decks. I relished every morsel. If you ever said “I would go to the ends of the earth for a good curry” well, this is the place to come. #wp #holidiwali #portugal #sagres #gastrovanners #gastrovanner #curry

via Instagram https://ift.tt/2XUidma

“You deaded me, you dirty rotten swine! ” Today’s lunch, stabbed to its very heart. Devastated, having read on their website that Terra was remaining open over winter, and trudging around 3 Km only to find that they are closed until March 2020… We ended up at Best Burger Ever. Only, it isn’t. Not even close. It is however, adequate and in fact, better than many. Mine could have been gorgeous (with Feta and caramelised onions and delicately scented with cumin, though the smokey bacon that was included was a strange flavour combination) with just a little seasoning added, and with a few minutes less on the grill. A pink and juicy burger would have been a treat but it did desperately need some salt and, being well-done (as opposed to well-cooked) it was also in need of a sauce or some mayo to help with the dryness. Mr Snail enjoyed his chicken burger (breast meat, not a burger patty) rather more than I enjoyed mine and he recommended that I try it next time. I will take his advice. At the very least, it was filling. I am pogged and there was no space for dessert. We didn’t pass on the coffee though, BBE do a very good coffee. In fact everywhere in Portugal seems to do good coffee. Not sure we have had a disappointing one yet. The absolute best thing about BBE is that they are open and serving food when most places are not, and particularly after a long walk out of town and back making us late for lunch, that’s really useful. Gratitude is due. #wp #gastrovanners #gastrovanner #portugal #sagres

via Instagram https://ift.tt/2P2YJYL