Our first sighting of almond blossom this year! #wp #livereportingfromtheroad #portugal #almondblossom

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On our way again, supermarket shopping done Took ages. We filled our trolley. Cannot remember the last time we did that. Anyway, our first Pingo Doce. We liked it. #wp #livereportingfromtheroad #portugal

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An unpromising start to the day today but grey clouds soon gave way to sunshine. We are driving through cork oak plantations, many of which have gorse undergrowth which is now well into flower. #wp #livereportingfromtheroad #portugal

via Instagram https://ift.tt/384cOg4

Spare Ribs with Migas, a confection of breadcrumbs that any fan of bread sauce will adore. Really tasty! Very much enjoyed this and seeing as we are not fans of ribs, that is praise indeed #portugal #wp #food #gastrovanners #gastrovanner #ribs #migas

via Instagram https://ift.tt/35I1xk5

No idea where we are up to – is this number eight? Time to get back to Spain and start counting the sherry again 😉 #wp #portugal #port

via Instagram https://ift.tt/2RaApF1

Coffee and cake time! We cycled to the monthly market at Brunheiras this morning and bought some things to eat later but also succumbed to some fig cakes. A sweet and spicy cross between a scone and a rock bun, we thought that buttering them might be a good idea. It was indeed. #wp #portugal #brunheirasmarket #vilanovademilfontes #cake #gastrovanners #gastrovanner

via Instagram https://ift.tt/2QHi7wi