Month: <span>October 2020</span>
Month: October 2020

October 21, 2020 at 11:21AM

We just met our first Spanish self service fuel, there has always been an attendant whenever we have fueled up on previous visits.

The machine took the card, asked which pump (!?), what fuel, and how much. It chucked the ticket out, said something in Spanish, and then failed to provide any diesel. We are 40€ down and with no idea what we did wrong.

Will now find filling station with attendant!

(Clues gratefully received if you know how things work in Spain.)

#livereportingfromtheroad #Spain #autumn2020 #confused

October 21, 2020 at 10:55AM

Time to go. Pastures new tonight, another revisit tomorrow.

#livereportingfromtheroad #Spain #autumn2020

October 20, 2020 at 12:12PM

Gobsmacking sight

I have what I hope will be better images on my camera.

#livereportingfromtheroad #spain#autumn2020 #griffonvultures

October 20, 2020 at 11:05AM

5 km of tunnel and at around 1400 metres, so off we go.downward again. How long until the cat throws up?

#livereportingfromtheroad #Spain #autumn2020

October 20, 2020 at 10:50AM

Well, when I say “down” we are still close to 800 metres so there remains a great deal of downing yet to be done before we reach the coast.

#livereportingfromtheroad #Spain #autumn2020