Month: <span>November 2019</span>
Month: November 2019

There and back again

Chloé is still missing. Although today is warm and sunny, it did become chilly overnight. It does not seem to have driven her home. I become ever more resigned to the idea that she is gone for good this time. I am prefering to believe that she has muscled in on a new family. She is adept at that. It is a better notion than many other options, the ones which I do not wish to dwell upon.

Dusty is tons better and I believe that we need not visit the vet but do need to return to being careful that he does not sneak out. Quite his old self, almost.

Nell and I have been for a walk up the coastal path to the big holiday apartment block and return by road, calling for Chloé all the while but saw no sign of her.

My ankle held up pretty well and we made good time. Mr Snail has cycled into town to the excellent deli that we discovered last winter. I was surprised to be the first one home. And, here he is! With a baguette on his back too… He tells me that he has been naughty. I may report back later.

All that glitters…

I was very bored today. Sitting around is not agreeing with me. We agreed that the time has come to get on with our stay and that we cannot maintain a permanent presence at the van in the possibly vain hope of Chloé returning. I strapped my ankle up, donned sturdy shoes and a sun hat and we walked to the lighthouse by the footpath and back by the forest track. I called for Chloé all the way but had no luck.

We went to the site restaurant tonight, planning to order Paella. No. Apparently it now has to be ordered 24 hours in advance, so we will try again later in the week.

I opted for pasta (naughty!) with a mushroom and truffle cream sauce and Mr Snail had the Lomo with egg and chips. There was far too much pasta for somebody who has consumed none whatsoever for the past nine months. I couldn’t finish it but only because I found it very heavy going and heavy on my digestion – there was nothing wrong with the dish itself as the pasta was Al dents and the mushrooms plentiful and tasty. Both were plain and simple dishes. Both were of acceptable quality. Both were in fact miles better than Monday night’s meal. Washed down with a bottle of Cava Brut Nature and topped off with Panna Cotta and excellent coffee, we didn’t feel robbed at 44€. It was a pleasant evening, with cheerful and efficient service. You would not have thought it to be the same establishment.

After dinner we took Nell for a moonlit stroll through the wood and down to the sea, in the hope of spotting Chloé out on a nightime prowl. No luck with Chloé, despite my repeatedly urging Nell to "go find Chloé!" but we not only did some star-gazing and saw a stray meteorite, but were also able to enjoy the startling sight of bioluminescence in the waves.

Sheer magic.

Dusty remains very quiet but is now bearing weight on his leg and seems less lacklustre than he was. He is still eating well. I think he is going to be fine. We have been comparing our swollen legs. He wins this time, I think.

My ankle bruise is coming on nicely now. Sorry to say that my photo skills are not. How do folks manage with a camera phone??? Anyway, and to be fair, the outside of one’s own left ankle? It’s a tricky shot! I was surprised to see how swollen it is. Hadn’t noticed until now. At least the strapping is off and I can stroll around site without it. Wouldn’t tackle a hike yet, so stayed home waiting for Chloé whilst Nell and Mr Snail went up the coastal path this morning. #wp #injury

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That’s the last of the Zero tonic. It will be carbs all the way after this, I fear. If we cannot replenish we may be tempted by the Summer Wine… Not sure that comes in a low carb version! Chloé is still missing. Dusty may need a vet, he seems to have been bitten on his elbow. Feeling sorry for himself or possibly just missing Chloé, it is difficult to tell. He is dozing a lot but is eating and washing so we are not overly concerned yet. No visible abscess, but swollen and sore and scabbed. Keeping an eye on him for now. Seems hotter than ever today, hence the soft drinks (no gin) and possibly a visible bare torso in this shot. I can’t tell, the sun is too bright to be able to see my phone very well. Camera team on site today, stills and video. I have been hiding and tackling cleaning tasks in the van. #wp #0carbs #sunsunsun

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Keto Meat Pie, rescued from the freezer at home and reheated in the Air Fryer on site. Salad and mayo to go with. Quick and tasty but requires EHU, though works on 6 amps. Yes, the sweetcorn is a bit carby but these pie servings are only 1/8th instead of 1/6th plus the tins of corn are minuscule.. so I claim immunity… Oddly, the corn is Spanish – bought here in a pack of three last winter and this was the last can. Luckily I may now visit Mercadona and purchase a new pack. #wp #gastrovanners #gastrovanner #keto #low carb

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Seeing Double

I just met the Doppelganger!

We are sitting outside the van, waiting for the errant Chloé. A spotted tabby sauntered along the wall towards us. The resemblance is uncanny, right down to identical stripes on the forelegs. It does however look considerably smaller and lighter than Dusty so must be a feisty beast indeed to have taken him on and then left marks. Seems fearless too; unbothered by our presence.

Currently planning a route direct to Sagres, taking in a couple of forest campsites and the one at Olvera, where we stopped last January.

Just need the cat to come home before we can think of going, and then to oblige by staying home until we can actually depart.

We have pencilled in a stop that is close to the N/S motorway, so if we decide that we really must return, we should be well placed for a quick getaway.

Spirits are very low. Tempers are fraying. Even the sun has gone behind a cloud.