Two Snails may not be at the forefront of exploration but we are tonight at what appears to be the very heart of the spirit of exploration. Not entirely sure how to describe this place accurately but we are on a car park in what I am going to term a park. Not a discovery park but a park of discoverers and explorers. Maybe it’s a complex. Whatever, there is the Dock of the Caravels with its reproductions of the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria, a plethora of monuments to Columbus and other intrepid types, gardens, a monastery, bars and more (including the International University). The site sits on one bank of the Rio Tinto, and today we walked Nell along a yellow sandy road past the flood marshes, with its prolific birdlife and peeling Eucalypts. Many photos to get from the camera in due course and I plan to take many more tomorrow, when I hope we get a little more in the way of blue sky…. #wp #spain #huelva #Columbus
Two Snails may not be at the forefront of exploration but we are tonight at what appears to be the very heart of the spirit of exploration. Not entirely sure how to describe this place accurately but we are on a car park in what I am going to term a park. Not a discovery park but a park of discoverers and explorers. Maybe it’s a complex. Whatever, there is the Dock of the Caravels with its reproductions of the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria, a plethora of monuments to Columbus and other intrepid types, gardens, a monastery, bars and more (including the International University). The site sits on one bank of the Rio Tinto, and today we walked Nell along a yellow sandy road past the flood marshes, with its prolific birdlife and peeling Eucalypts. Many photos to get from the camera in due course and I plan to take many more tomorrow, when I hope we get a little more in the way of blue sky…. #wp #spain #huelva #Columbus

Two Snails may not be at the forefront of exploration but we are tonight at what appears to be the very heart of the spirit of exploration. Not entirely sure how to describe this place accurately but we are on a car park in what I am going to term a park. Not a discovery park but a park of discoverers and explorers. Maybe it’s a complex. Whatever, there is the Dock of the Caravels with its reproductions of the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria, a plethora of monuments to Columbus and other intrepid types, gardens, a monastery, bars and more (including the International University). The site sits on one bank of the Rio Tinto, and today we walked Nell along a yellow sandy road past the flood marshes, with its prolific birdlife and peeling Eucalypts. Many photos to get from the camera in due course and I plan to take many more tomorrow, when I hope we get a little more in the way of blue sky…. #wp #spain #huelva #Columbus

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