We slept well and heard not a sound, waking to a clear bright morning well on the right side of freezing.
Sunnyhills opens at 09:00 and we were there on the doorstep when they unlocked. The rewards were great as we were served quite the best breakfast we have had in a long time. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

After breakfast we crossed the A1 and trundled into Bamburgh, where we parked beneath the castle and then took Nell through the park and via the dunes on to the beach.

We departed Bamburgh via the coastal route to Newcastle, taking the A19 via the Tyne Tunnel and heading towards Northallerton or, more specifically, Yafforth, where our stop for the night was a small private caravan site at Canada Fields.
As we progressed south the weather grew increasingly cold with heavy frost evident from Tyneside onwards.
We were delayed by heavy traffic in Northallerton, which was almost completely gridlocked. We found ourselves in the middle of a funeral cortege before finally extricating ourselves from the town traffic. We made a mental note to leave by another route the following day.
By the time that we reached Yafforth fortunately the overnight freezing fog had lifted but there were curious piles of ice at the foot of all the trees, where the glazing caused by the fog had thawed sufficiently to drop from the branches. The remaining ice and frost proved to be a boon in firming up what was a very muddy ground indeed.

An attractive site and we had a prime position with a clear view of the lake.

I liked this chap standing guard outside the facilities block. Compare and contrast with the ironmongery art at Hay Brow.