Rain, rain, go away.
Rain, rain, go away.

Rain, rain, go away.

The weather has taken a bit of a nose dive. Almost started up the heating this morning, with only 10° outside. We had rain this afternoon and we have a Yellow Warning for wind tomorrow and Saturday.

We had hoped to go into Alcossebre for dinner on Friday but it is a walk of over 4 km in each direction to the restaurant and would be in the dark and unlit through trees. Dinner isn’t served until 8 pm so the walk back would not get us home much before midnight. We have decided that discretion is the better part and have ordered Paella here on site instead.

Not entirely sure what we are going to do with our time but we called into the site library this afternoon and picked up a handful of books. Maybe I will make mugs of Keto Hot Chocolate.

I really must find out where I stashed my knitting.

Chloé still missing. Dusty improved but still depressed. We have no plans to move on just yet but an outline plan/route exists in readiness for our electing to leave.

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