Monet for nothing… Not exactly. Good VFM at 9€50. It took 64 years to get there but finally another tick against my bucket list.
MMoonneett ffoorr nnootthhiinngg NNoott eexxaaccttllyy.. GGoooodd VVFFMM aatt 995500.. IItt ttooookk 6644 yyeeaarrss ttoo ggeett tthheerree bbuutt ffiinnaallllyy aannootthheerr ttiicckk aaggaaiinnsstt mmyy bbuucckkeett lliisstt..

Monet for nothing… Not exactly. Good VFM at 9€50. It took 64 years to get there but finally another tick against my bucket list.

Monet for nothing... Not exactly. Good VFM at 9€50. It took 64 years to get there but finally another tick against my bucket list.

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