Lunch today was snaffled from the only open premises in the sleepiest town square ever. Croque from a tiny boulangerie eaten on a nearby bench. The best Croque so far and the cheapest by a long way at €2,80 – especially considering both decks contained ham!
Lunch today was snaffled from the only open premises in the sleepiest town square ever. Croque from a tiny boulangerie eaten on a nearby bench. The best Croque so far and the cheapest by a long way at €2,80 – especially considering both decks contained ham!

Lunch today was snaffled from the only open premises in the sleepiest town square ever. Croque from a tiny boulangerie eaten on a nearby bench. The best Croque so far and the cheapest by a long way at €2,80 – especially considering both decks contained ham!

Lunch today was snaffled from the only open premises in the sleepiest town square ever. Croque from a tiny boulangerie eaten on a nearby bench. The best Croque so far and the cheapest by a long way at €2,80 - especially considering both decks contained ham!

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