Blogging the Remoska
Blogging the Remoska

Blogging the Remoska

Whilst I am keen to document the details of our culinary triumphs and tribulations on the road, I have the idea that waffling on endlessly about the Remoska in particular really could be tiresome unless directed at folks who want to know about the Remoska. A new mini-blog is now in operation: Rumbletums

Blog posts will appear here and will mainly be confined to simply listing recipes or observations on recipes for the Remoska. I hope very much that other Remoska users will contribute and that we can create a resource expressly for traveling Remoska cooks.

Ours has arrived and has been tested. It appears to be working and we had a tasty toasted sandwich for our lunch today. Further testing may be delayed as current food stocks were ordered before we had the option of baking, grilling or roasting.

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