Having stayed at Huntly for the two extra days we now had to make our way down to Pitlochry in one day. We had tickets booked for The Enchanted Forest and I had no intention of missing that. We had around 110/120 miles to drive, nothing too exacting but it would have been difficult had the wind speed remained high.
The weather behaved perfectly.
From Huntly we were into familiar territory. We took the road to Dufftown and onward to Aberlour. Morayshire had its best autumnal colours on and the scenery was of course stunning all the way. It was good to see “The Ben” once again.
We stopped at Ballindalloch to fill with LPG. This was our local shop and filling station when we lived on Speyside, about a four mile run out. Doesn’t sound much unless you have to do it by bike when the car has conked out. It’s hilly country.

Past Grantown-on-Spey there was cloud gathering over the Cairngorms but we continued our drive in the sun, stopping at Ralia for coffee and those amazing lemon and white chocolate muffins.

At Pitlochry we were stunned to be able to appropriate one of the four Camper Van spaces in the car park. The town was extremely busy. We did a little shopping in one of the amazing whisky shops in town (we purchased rum!) and then grabbed a Chinese Takeaway before going out for our evening at The Enchanted Forest. It rained. Heavily. So we took our coats etcetera when we went out.

Of course, it did not rain again and we were encumbered all evening. It was a wonderful evening though. Really happy that we went.
I haven’t sorted through all the photos yet so I’ll just use one here and write up the outing separately later.

After the Enchanted Forest we drove down to the Britstop at Bankfoot and slept there overnight.
Hi Beth, I think I am up to date now.
How did Mr snail get on at ARI. Was it helpful?
I finished a shawl today with the green cotton sock yarn!! I also knitted on an edge. Not done that before. It looks ok but I know there are some mistakes in it. Never mind it will keep a neck just as warm even if it is a little more lacey than it should be.
I just need to find someone who likes green.
Well carry on safely with your trip.
Looking forward to the next installment. J x
Ah so, you’re hiding on here now.
I only hunt you down because I love you.
The Norfolk broads are a lovely place to visit.
Not hiding, in plain sight, sweetie… and as always, discoverable at Woolgathering. Your greetings have been passed to Mr S B.