Coffee and cake time! We cycled to the monthly market at Brunheiras this morning and bought some things to eat later but also succumbed to some fig cakes. A sweet and spicy cross between a scone and a rock bun, we thought that buttering them might be a good idea. It was indeed. #wp #portugal #brunheirasmarket #vilanovademilfontes #cake #gastrovanners #gastrovanner
Coffee and cake time! We cycled to the monthly market at Brunheiras this morning and bought some things to eat later but also succumbed to some fig cakes. A sweet and spicy cross between a scone and a rock bun, we thought that buttering them might be a good idea. It was indeed. #wp #portugal #brunheirasmarket #vilanovademilfontes #cake #gastrovanners #gastrovanner

Coffee and cake time! We cycled to the monthly market at Brunheiras this morning and bought some things to eat later but also succumbed to some fig cakes. A sweet and spicy cross between a scone and a rock bun, we thought that buttering them might be a good idea. It was indeed. #wp #portugal #brunheirasmarket #vilanovademilfontes #cake #gastrovanners #gastrovanner

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