We seem to have cleared the decks. I relished every morsel. If you ever said “I would go to the ends of the earth for a good curry” well, this is the place to come. #wp #holidiwali #portugal #sagres #gastrovanners #gastrovanner #curry
We seem to have cleared the decks. I relished every morsel. If you ever said “I would go to the ends of the earth for a good curry” well, this is the place to come. #wp #holidiwali #portugal #sagres #gastrovanners #gastrovanner #curry

We seem to have cleared the decks. I relished every morsel. If you ever said “I would go to the ends of the earth for a good curry” well, this is the place to come. #wp #holidiwali #portugal #sagres #gastrovanners #gastrovanner #curry

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