Those of us who already feeling depressed by the weather are going to feel a whole lot worse soon. We got up this morning to find camp electricity and water off. Glad that I wasn’t the one who stripped off in the cold shower block in the dark to find that the shower did no more than splutter! We burned precious gas to make our breakfast coffee. We have used far more gas on this trip than we did on our previous two. Hoping supplies hold out until we are back in France, otherwise matters take a complex turn. We hope to try the site restaurant today. Expectations are being kept low, in the hope of being agreeably surprised. If nothing else, it keeps the washing up down. On the matter of washing up, we are currently burning more gas to heat water in order to wash up in the van. The washup here is external, the weather is vile, the sinks don’t look inviting to begin with and last night were observed to be full of semi-feral kitties. Mr Snail enquired this morning “just how many kittens are we taking home with us this time?” I suggested a round half dozen ๐Ÿ˜‰ If only we could. #wp #spain #cats #Dusty #rain
Those of us who already feeling depressed by the weather are going to feel a whole lot worse soon. We got up this morning to find camp electricity and water off. Glad that I wasn’t the one who stripped off in the cold shower block in the dark to find that the shower did no more than splutter! We burned precious gas to make our breakfast coffee. We have used far more gas on this trip than we did on our previous two. Hoping supplies hold out until we are back in France, otherwise matters take a complex turn. We hope to try the site restaurant today. Expectations are being kept low, in the hope of being agreeably surprised. If nothing else, it keeps the washing up down. On the matter of washing up, we are currently burning more gas to heat water in order to wash up in the van. The washup here is external, the weather is vile, the sinks don’t look inviting to begin with and last night were observed to be full of semi-feral kitties. Mr Snail enquired this morning “just how many kittens are we taking home with us this time?” I suggested a round half dozen ๐Ÿ˜‰ If only we could. #wp #spain #cats #Dusty #rain

Those of us who already feeling depressed by the weather are going to feel a whole lot worse soon. We got up this morning to find camp electricity and water off. Glad that I wasn’t the one who stripped off in the cold shower block in the dark to find that the shower did no more than splutter! We burned precious gas to make our breakfast coffee. We have used far more gas on this trip than we did on our previous two. Hoping supplies hold out until we are back in France, otherwise matters take a complex turn. We hope to try the site restaurant today. Expectations are being kept low, in the hope of being agreeably surprised. If nothing else, it keeps the washing up down. On the matter of washing up, we are currently burning more gas to heat water in order to wash up in the van. The washup here is external, the weather is vile, the sinks don’t look inviting to begin with and last night were observed to be full of semi-feral kitties. Mr Snail enquired this morning “just how many kittens are we taking home with us this time?” I suggested a round half dozen ๐Ÿ˜‰ If only we could. #wp #spain #cats #Dusty #rain

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