Not at all boring
Not at all boring

Not at all boring

We rode out on the bikes yesterday (to obtain wine for dinner). It’s a pleasant 15 to 20 minute jaunt from the campsite at Ribamar to the Consum in Alcossebre, though the first (and final) mile threatens to shake the fillings loose from one’s teeth.

Wine, beer and nibbles obtained, we cycled home again. Having regained the final mile on dirt track, I was toiling up the gradient when I saw a large black dog lumbering up the way in front of me. I imagined it to be the Newfoundland that is staying on the site here… but it’s owners were nowhere in sight.

It was only as I got closer that the dog turned through 90° and revealed itself to be a wild pig. I think it to have been a Boar sow rather than a Boar boar (confusing, isn’t it?) as it was only large and not enormous. It appeared to be elderly, unhurried and quite confident. Judging by the tunnel under the wire fence that was visible as we passed, this beast was on a regular route.

Sorry no photo but, you know, /on the bike/…

Here’s a link that might be interesting and may go some way towards explaining why we like it so much here, having found those other parts of the Costas that we have passed through to be not in the least to our taste:

The site that we are on is placed within the boundaries of the national park. It’s a fabulous place for a quiet holiday.

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