Naturally, it wee’d down when we walked into town but a thoughtfully placed 17thC market place provided shelter from the rain
NNaattuurraallllyy,, iitt wweeeedd ddoowwnn wwhheenn wwee wwaallkkeedd iinnttoo ttoowwnn bbuutt aa tthhoouugghhttffuullllyy ppllaacceedd 1177tthhCC mmaarrkkeett ppllaaccee pprroovviiddeedd sshheelltteerr ffrroomm tthhee rraaiinn

Naturally, it wee’d down when we walked into town but a thoughtfully placed 17thC market place provided shelter from the rain

Naturally, it wee'd down when we walked into town but a thoughtfully placed 17thC market place provided shelter from the rain

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