Galloway Forest Park is a woodland park, operated by Forestry Commission Scotland, principally covering woodland in Dumfries and Galloway. It is one huge playground for the actively-minded motor-homer and one of the few places that appears to welcome us warmly. According to the rules it is okay to overnight in any of the free car parks, though not in the paid car parks at the visitor centres.

Until very recently it was possible to drive off into the forest and pull up overnight anywhere suitable for the purpose but sadly, in just the last few weeks, the “No Unauthorised vehicles” signs have been appearing at the forest track entry points.

Luckily there are plenty of free car parks available and not much competition for space at this time of year. In Summer things may become difficult.

The Forest Drives are closed at this time of year but we thought it okay to just drive onto the end of the Raiders Road in order to park in the car park.
We had all three locations to ourselves and the peace and quiet was absolute. The darkness was absolute too, apart from the wonderful surprise at Loch Trool when there was a show of the Northern Lights – though between the hill and the cloud cover, we saw very little of it though what we did see looked very bright in the absence of any other light.

Being parked up at the Red Deer Range it would have been impolite not to call in on the neighbours. We were surprised by how friendly they are!

The Wild Goats also enjoyed some carrots when we went to visit them.
We called in at Kirroughtree Visitor Centre, which is open, although on limited hours, throughout the winter and had a grand walk there. We are keen to go back again before we head for home.
A diversion between Newton Stewart and Glentrool sent us on a grand tour of D&G and we travelled on some “interesting” roads. Great fun but it made our arrival at Glentrool very late – too late for an afternoon walk as darkness was already descending.
There are more photographs but I have not had time to sort through them yet. Just wanted to write up last week’s trip before we go off again tonight,
Next stop…. Ireland!