The windy highway is living up to its reputation today. Could do without that, having such a long day ahead of us.
#livereportingfromtheroad #Spain #autumn2020
The windy highway is living up to its reputation today. Could do without that, having such a long day ahead of us.
#livereportingfromtheroad #Spain #autumn2020
Ho, hum. These are the breaks and we shall make the best of a poor job.
See you next May, Espana.
#livereportingfromtheroad #Spain #autumn2020
Thankfully it’s not even close to being that windy today. Phew.
Not so good now that the tolls have been removed and there are HGVs to contend with. A bit macho, your Spanish lorry driver..
#livereportingfromtheroad #Spain #autumn2020
Shopped this morning before leaving, to find the Christmas Turron had arrived overnight.
I confess; we spent an inordinate amount on Turron and chocolate.
#livereportingfromtheroad #Spain #autumn2020
The machine took the card, asked which pump (!?), what fuel, and how much. It chucked the ticket out, said something in Spanish, and then failed to provide any diesel. We are 40€ down and with no idea what we did wrong.
Will now find filling station with attendant!
(Clues gratefully received if you know how things work in Spain.)
#livereportingfromtheroad #Spain #autumn2020 #confused
#livereportingfromtheroad #Spain #autumn2020