<span class="vcard">Madame Escargot</span>
Madame Escargot

The French do love decorating their roundabouts. #wp #livereportingfromtheroad #france #orange

via Instagram https://ift.tt/3aQgvrg

Moving on. A quick pitstop in Orange and then another half hour to destination #wp #livereportingfromtheroad #france

via Instagram https://ift.tt/3cOJLjU

When in Provence … a little something slightly Provençal? Lots of sunshine vitamins in this tonight #wp #gastrovanners #gastrovanner #vancooking

via Instagram https://ift.tt/33bzz0F

Duck Confit, Roast Potatoes, Salad with Orange and Toasted Pecans, with Honey, Mustard and Thyme dressing. Splendid! #wp #gastrovanner #gastrovanners #vancooking

via Instagram https://ift.tt/2TVahiR

Toulouse Sausage, Cauliflower “Aligot” and Roquette, with onion confit. A nice Rioja to swill it down with. Appetites are returning! #gastrovanners #gastrovanner #vancooking #vanfood #sausages #wp

via Instagram https://ift.tt/2Q2jsNr