A CMC Certificated Location, beautifully situated in the middle of nowhere, Sweethope is extremely low-key. Aimed mainly, we would guess, at the angling fraternity it nevertheless suits us well.

Five hard core pitches, don’t even approximate to level and ramps are recommended. The ground around is boggy. Grass is rough cut. There are flies and midges but there is a lake, which is a bonus and the rest tends to go with it.

Water is on pitch and the hookups work. There is chem disposal and rinsing water and waste bins.
Shared showers and toilets are a walk away through the wood. There are separate disabled facilities.
Plenty of walking opportunities.
Management is warm, relaxed and welcoming.
Cheap and cheerful and perfect if all you want is peace and quiet. We had the place to ourselves on our first visit (Dec 2016) and shared with two caravans on our second visit (August Bank Holiday weekend)
Last Visit: August 2017