I am so far behind on updating this blog that I scarcely know where to begin. I seem to have Blog Paralysis.
Here is a real time update: Today, Monday the 5th February, 2018, we are in Northern Spain, back at Gran Camping Zarautz, where we were last December.
It is good to be back by the sea again, I have missed it.
We are mid-journey to Haute-Vienne and have made the journey from Hinojos in two long days’ driving and a short hop. We have one very long day to go, and that will be tomorrow.

It is currently cold and wet and we are back in our winter woolies. Why did we ever leave Andalusia!
I will catch up. I am sure that I will… just as soon as I cease to be scared of the size of my task.
See you in France? Not soon, probably – we will be on an Aire without EHU for at least a couple of nights but I will check in as soon as possible.