TWO SNAILS (plus a dog and a dragon)

Index of Sites

This page is a geographically sorted set of index links to Motorhome site information. There is a set of pages dedicated to basic information with photographs of locations where Brunhilde has stayed overnight or stopped for breaks.

Any places not yet linked means that the page has yet to be written. I shall get around to it soon.


Around town

Inganess Wild camping on the East side of town. Car Park. No facilities.
Ring of Brodgar Wild camping on West Mainland within easy reach of North Isles Ferry. Car Park. No facilities.

East Mainland


Geo Slipway Wild camping. Car Park. No facilties.
Mull Head Nature Reserve (The Gloup) Wild camping. Car Park. Nearby toilets in Visitor Centre.

Point of Ayre Wild camping. Car Park. Picnic Table.  No further facilties.

West Mainland

Ring of Brodgar Wild camping. Car Park. No facilities



Castletown - Car park facility that does not welcome overnighting. Museum, woodland and beach walks.