Sitting in a bar, drinking beer in Asturias and a nice man walked up to us with a basket  and offered us Turron. ¡Gracias! Not only do we have Christmas goodies but have also stumbled upon our first Christmas tree of the year.
Sitting in a bar, drinking beer in Asturias and a nice man walked up to us with a basket and offered us Turron. ¡Gracias! Not only do we have Christmas goodies but have also stumbled upon our first Christmas tree of the year.

Sitting in a bar, drinking beer in Asturias and a nice man walked up to us with a basket and offered us Turron. ¡Gracias! Not only do we have Christmas goodies but have also stumbled upon our first Christmas tree of the year.

Sitting in a bar, drinking beer in Asturias and a nice man walked up to us with a basket  and offered us Turron. ¡Gracias! Not only do we have Christmas goodies but have also stumbled upon our first Christmas tree of the year.

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